Street2Peak Family Charity Run – Sat. May 10

Here is your chance to support the Street2Peak initiative in a huge way. When you register – as an individual, family or corporate group, 100% of the registration fees goes to putting 18 at-risk youth on the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro!
This fun event is best shared with many friends, family or co-workers. If you have pre-registered make sure you are there at 9:00 am for the warm-up with the run starting at 9:15 am. The warm-up and start line can be found at the concession stand at Jericho Beach (map) with the anchor at Spanish Banks as the turn-around point – for those that completing the full 6 km distance. We will have turn-around points marked for those wishing to do 1 km or 4 km distance but feel free to turn around at any point in this non-timed event.
Please register now on this website. This will make your day all about fun and minimize the workload on our precious volunteers. We will have a run registration table at Jericho Beach starting at 8:15 am for those spontaneous folk. Cash or personal cheques will be the only run day registration options.
This event would not be possible without our run organizers – Shannon Vrlak, Laura Hately, Catherine Watkins and Sara DesBrisay who approached us to offer this run on our behalf. We also thank the tremendous support of the many volunteers and sponsors. Please check out the sponsor’s tables at the event, some of whom are current sponsors of the Streetfront Alternative Program.
If cannot make the Family Charity Run but you still want to support the Street2Peak initiative please donate here.